Please go to our new website address: for updated class information.
Today I became the #1 ranked RKC Kettlebell coach in the United States out of 1,566 other certified RKC instructors. This rating is based on the reviews and recommendations of the School of Strength members as well as my former athletes!!! I want to thank each and every one of you who have ever left a POSITIVE review for me and the School of Strength. I am truly blessed to be around such an amazing group of people. We have the BEST GYM and TRAINING GROUP in the Country!!!
School of Strength Wins Indy's Best Bootcamp!!!
We were just voted Indy's Best Bootcamp! This honor was earned because we have the most amazing training group in the country. Our members are hard workers who genuinely care about each other. At the School of Strength we focus on STRENGTH, FITNESS, HEALTH, ATHLETICIM, and FUN! We value strength of mind, body and character. We train to be better men and women!
Are you tired of those "flashy" overly expensive health clubs with endless rows of machines and treadmills that never get RESULTS? Are you looking for a REAL GYM for REAL TRAINING? If you are interested in joining America's Top Bootcamp email me at:
Are you tired of those "flashy" overly expensive health clubs with endless rows of machines and treadmills that never get RESULTS? Are you looking for a REAL GYM for REAL TRAINING? If you are interested in joining America's Top Bootcamp email me at:
Welcome to the School of Strength Kettlebell Bootcamp!
We Specialize in Teaching the Russian Kettlebell System For a Leaner, Stronger, Healthier, Better Body.
We are Indy's only Kettlebell Bootcamp led by the Southside’s only RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor. Coach Marty Mills is currently the #1 ranked kettlebell instructor in the country. Check out his current ranking on Receive first class personal instruction from one of the nation's top kettlebell strength and conditioning coaches.
Are you ready to lose fat, build muscle, or take your sports performance to the next level?
No other training tool works the ENTIRE BODY and EVERY PERFORMANCE SYSTEM of the human body like the kettlebell. Within a 60 minute workout you can build muscle, burn fat, increase flexibility, increase tendon and ligament strength to prevent or rehabilitate injury, increase your VO2 max, as well as maximize speed and explosive strength.
Once the hard-kept secret of elite athletes, special forces and 'manly' men, the kettlebell is now becoming the preferred tool for men, women and athletes who are tired of not seeing results—and who demand exceptional physical performance! Let Coach Mills show you the way.
MEN, Pavel says “kettlebells melt fat without the dishonor of aerobics." High repetition kettlebell training is an aerobic workout with muscle building effects. If you are overweight, you will lean out. If you are skinny, you will build up. The Russian kettlebell is a powerful tool for fixing your body composition, whichever way it needs fixing. No need to do aerobics or slow boring cardio anymore. Kettlebells will make you feel like a man.
Kettlebells won’t create big bulky muscles, unless you are a man who is training hard and heavy and that is what you are looking for. Kettlebells make a man as strong as they look, you will LOOK STRONG and you will BE STRONG. You will burn body fat, give your muscles definition, strengthen tendons and ligaments and create “real world” functional strength that will improve the performance of everything you do.
Women, Dare to Be Strong AND Beautiful!

Kettlebell training builds strength (which tones muscles) and provides an amazing cardio workout. 60 minutes of training 3 days per week will absolutely CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND YOUR BODY!
The Russian Kettlebell Gives You Faster Fat Loss, with More Rapid Gains in Strength, Speed and Endurance Than Any Other Exercise Tool on the Planet!
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Lance Armstrong uses Kettlebells! |
Kettlebells are becoming the exercise tool of choice for both elite athletes and those simply wishing to attain their highest possible level of physical excellence and well being. So whether you are training for sports or to get into better shape, we will help you achieve your goals through SUPERIOR and UNIQUE TRAINING!
Discover How Our Simple System of Training Guarantees Faster Fat Loss, Rapid Muscle Gain, Higher Performance and Dramatic Power!
Many people believe they must separate their workouts into strength training, flexibility, cardio and core conditioning. In kettlebell training this is not true because kettlebells combine all these components of fitness in one challenging workout. For people who want their training all in one, it's by far the best bang for your buck. Rather than do an hour of aerobics, and an hour of resistance, you can get it all done in one hour or less with kettlebells. Just think, in less than 60 minutes you could have the most demanding, fun, and beneficial workout of your life.
Amazing School of Strength Transformation
Some of you will recognize the man at the bottom as Charlie, he is one of the assistant Kettlebell Bootcamp instructors. I'm sure most of you don't know the amazing transformation he made through hard work, consistency, and dedication to the program. The top picture was taken in April 2009. The bottom was taken August 2011 right before Charlie went off to UINDY. Charlie is one of the greatest strength athletes to come through Center Grove. He did not accomplish this through natural God given talent. He did it through simple good old fashioned hard work! Charlie is an example to all of us that if you want something bad enough it's only a matter of time. Set a goal, work hard, be intense, be consistent, and be patient. You can and will achieve your goal!
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Charlie April 2009 |
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Charlie August 2011 |
Passionate, Hard Worker
Coach Marty Mills is a very valuable mentor for me as a strength coach. His system of developing functional athletes is second to none. The time that I have spent observing and talking with Marty regarding all areas of strength training have helped me to develop a coaching philosophy that brings out the most in ALL athletes. The success of the teams and individuals at Center Grove High School are directly related to the hard work and dedication of Coach Mills. In my opinion, Marty has set a very high bar for strength coaches in the state of Indiana to achieve. His passion and work ethic inspires me to work hard every day in this field.
Steve Barrick – Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, University of Indianapolis
Steve Barrick – Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, University of Indianapolis
School of Strength Success
Nick Stoner / Center Grove High School/Indiana University
Being in the school of strength throughout my four years of high school has dramtically changed my attitude, my future, and utimately, my life. I came into this program as a 110 pound boy and came out as a 175 pound man, gaining more and more speed as the years went on lifting with Coach Mills. Dropping times from a 12.4 to a 10.4 should be enough reason for everybody to want to join this amazing program. I could not reccomend this class/lifting progam enough to anybody, there would not be enough time in the day. I was a runner up in the 100 meter dash, and 6th in the 200 meter dash at the Indiana Track state finals my junior year. This senior year I helped the 4x400 meter relay beat the indoor record and also I won the indoor 55 meter dash at the HSR state relays, and now I am just waiting for the outdoor senior results this June. Also, earning All-State as a senior in football, and receiving the Mr. Football for Defensive Backs award. All thanks to this amazing lifting program!!
Athletic Scholarships
Over the past 7 years we have had 136 athletes receive scholarships to compete at the collegiate level.
School Year 2011-12
1. Joe Reed Basketball Indiana-Purdue @ Fort Wayne
2. Natalie Lalich Softball Indiana University
3. Emma Schoettmer Swimming Arizona University
4. Kristen Nunnelly Swimming University of Toledo
5. Mackenzie Kitchel Volleyball University of Cincinnati
6. Zach Muench Golf Marian University
7. Jordan Bedan Football University of Indianapolis
8. Brice Laigle Baseball Marian University
9. O’Rion Elder Football University of Indianapolis
10. Emily Bueno Tennis Marian University
11. Elaina Mellott Golf Taylor University
12. Sean Mappes Wrestling University of Tennessee @ Chattanooga
13. Tyler Mills Football Taylor University
14. Siara Chupp Swimming Urbana University (Ohio)
15. Sydney Clute Track & Field Indiana University
School Year 2010-11
1. Melody Doss Basketball Northern Kentucky University
2. Allie Day Swimming Indiana University
3. Liz Prince Softball Southern Indiana University
4. Grant Schwarz Swimming Eastern Michigan University
5. Stacey Klene Soccer University of Indianapolis
6. Austin Mudd Track/Cross Country University of Wisconsin
7. Nick Stoner Football Indiana University
8. Joel Hale Football Ohio State University
9. Andrew Gudeman Football Miami of Ohio University
10. Bryce Krebs Football Eastern Kentucky University
11. Taylor Davis Swimming Queens University of Charlotte
12. Dakoda Johnson Diving Eastern Michigan University
13. Terek Abdalla Golf University of Indianapolis
14. Diane Jones Tennis Indiana Wesleyan University
15. Jonny Marlin Basketball Indiana-Purdue @ Fort Wayne
16. Andy Smeathers Basketball Butler University
17. John Degenhardt Basketball University of St. Francis
18. Nikky Moan Basketball Elmhurst College
School Year 2009-10
1. Shelby Miller Softball Cedarville University
2. Jamie Claeys Tennis Bellarmine University
3. Chelsea Kirkpatrick Volleyball DePaul University
4. Adria Pryor Volleyball University of Toledo
5. Kayla Heldman Volleyball University of Southern Indiana
6. Sarah Dooms Volleyball Valparaiso University
7. Arielle Knafel Volleyball Norfolk State University
8. Justin Spicer Tennis Southern Illinois University (Edwardsville)
9. Kirsten Gliesmann Basketball Wright State University
10. Joel Cox Football West Point Academy
11. Garrett Mack Football Ball State University
12. Blake Miller Football Southern Illinois University
13. Sean Egenolf Football Marian University
14. Katie Wyman Tennis IUPU-Fort Wayne
15. Kyle Barth Football St. Joe’s College
16. Sarah Patterson Soccer Marian University
17. Morgan Merrill Volleyball Marian University
18. Caleb Fellers Tennis University of Indianapolis
19. Jordan Legan Wrestling University of Indianapolis
20. Matt Milton Wrestling University of Indianapolis
School Year 2008-09
1. Sydney Miller Softball IUPUI
2. Katy Watson Track & Field/Volleyball University of Indianapolis
3. Emily Gwaltney Softball Marian College
4. Hannah Bedan Volleyball St. Joseph’s College
5. Bethany Irwin Volleyball University of Toledo
6. Katherine Belsito Softball University of Southern Indiana
7. Austin Sansone Tennis Ball State University
8. Shelby Music Softball Illinois State University
9. Sarah Franklin Softball St. Joseph’s College
10. Emily Claeys Volleyball St. Joseph’s College
11. Brittany Shaner Basketball St. Mary of the Woods
12. Kelli Lippold Track St. Joseph’s College
13. Shelbi Burnett Cross Country Butler University
14. Jordan Luallen Football Georgia Tech University
15. Tanner Riley Football Indiana State University
16. Keith Dietel Football Indiana State University
17. Austin Pendygraft Football Marian College
18. Derek Dallas Football Marian College
19. Kyle Jones Football Marian College
20. Kevin Jones Football Marian College
21. Ethan Hedeen Football Marian College
22. Luke Swift Football Miami University (Ohio)
23. Chris Pearson Baseball University of Evansville
24. Ross Kirch Soccer University of Indianapolis
25. Keenan Johnson Soccer University of Southern Indiana
26. Mike Wood Football Illinois State University
27. Sarah Higgens Cross Country University of New Mexico
28. Anthony Elias Football University of Indianapolis
29. Brady Clark Baseball Indiana University – Southeast
30. Shelby Mappes Wrestling University of Indianapolis
School Year 2007-08
1. Lacey Hersman Soccer Marian College
2. Michelle McKeehan Swimming University of Georgia
3. Becca Porter Tennis Bellarmine University
4. Matt Smith Tennis University of Indianapolis
5. Jackie Smith Soccer Marian College
6. Megan Hock Soccer IUPUI
7. Shae Morris Soccer University of Indianapolis
8. Justin Wood Football Indiana State University
9. Lauren Nacke Softball University of Dayton
10. Corey Gray Basketball Loyola University (New Orleans)
School Year 2006-07
1. Hillary Bowling Basketball Northern Michigan University
2. Kyle Busard Volleyball Lindenwood College
3. Lyndee Collins Soccer Indiana University
4. Katie Daprile Volleyball Butler University
5. Alex Dewitz Track & Field Miami Of Ohio University
6. Seth Galloway Track & Field University of Indianapolis
7. Sara Heldman Volleyball University of New Hampshire
8. Evan Hock Baseball Kankakee Community College
9. Tessa Irwin Volleyball Indiana University of Pennsylvania
10. Tyler Kitchel Basketball University of Indianapolis
11. Vanessa McCormick Track & Field Grace College
12. Ian McGarvey Football Ball State University
13. Hannah Messick Soccer Arizona State University
14. Mandy Nichols Volleyball Purdue University
15. Zach Petersime Baseball Rend Lake College
16. Haley Pratt Volleyball Lynn University
17. Holly Reed Swimming IUPUI
18. Megan Rehmer Volleyball North Carolina State University
19. Ross Springman Football Taylor University
20. Kyle Thompson Track & Field University of Indianapolis
21. Melody White Swimming California Polytechnic State University
School Year 2005-06
1. Kevin Beltz Golf University of Indianapolis
2. Caryn Britton Track Grace College
3. J.D. Buckingham Football Ball State University
4. Kelsey Coffey Volleyball Savannah College of Art & Design
5. Erika Dobbs Track & Basketball Marian College
6. Jon Franz Baseball Kaskaskia College
7. Jenny Gray Volleyball Belmont University (Nashville)
8. Ashley Henricks Volleyball University of Southern Indiana
9. Emily Holsapple Tennis IUPUI
10. Ty Jessup Football & Track Marian College
11. Molly Lauck Basketball St. Joseph College
12. Kaiti Marsh Tennis Taylor University
13. Andrew Menner Cross-Country University of Southern Indiana
14. Brandon Money Baseball Indiana University
15. Chris Oleksiak Swimming Indiana University
16. Blake Powers Tennis IUPUI
17. Meagan Richeson Track Murray State University
18. Melanie Sullivan Tennis University of Indianapolis
19. Tien Tran Diving Iowa State University
20. Nick Troiani Soccer Bellarmine
21. Whitney Warner Softball Valparaiso University
22. Jeremy Willey Baseball Rend Lake College
School Year 2011-12
1. Joe Reed Basketball Indiana-Purdue @ Fort Wayne
2. Natalie Lalich Softball Indiana University
3. Emma Schoettmer Swimming Arizona University
4. Kristen Nunnelly Swimming University of Toledo
5. Mackenzie Kitchel Volleyball University of Cincinnati
6. Zach Muench Golf Marian University
7. Jordan Bedan Football University of Indianapolis
8. Brice Laigle Baseball Marian University
9. O’Rion Elder Football University of Indianapolis
10. Emily Bueno Tennis Marian University
11. Elaina Mellott Golf Taylor University
12. Sean Mappes Wrestling University of Tennessee @ Chattanooga
13. Tyler Mills Football Taylor University
14. Siara Chupp Swimming Urbana University (Ohio)
15. Sydney Clute Track & Field Indiana University
School Year 2010-11
1. Melody Doss Basketball Northern Kentucky University
2. Allie Day Swimming Indiana University
3. Liz Prince Softball Southern Indiana University
4. Grant Schwarz Swimming Eastern Michigan University
5. Stacey Klene Soccer University of Indianapolis
6. Austin Mudd Track/Cross Country University of Wisconsin
7. Nick Stoner Football Indiana University
8. Joel Hale Football Ohio State University
9. Andrew Gudeman Football Miami of Ohio University
10. Bryce Krebs Football Eastern Kentucky University
11. Taylor Davis Swimming Queens University of Charlotte
12. Dakoda Johnson Diving Eastern Michigan University
13. Terek Abdalla Golf University of Indianapolis
14. Diane Jones Tennis Indiana Wesleyan University
15. Jonny Marlin Basketball Indiana-Purdue @ Fort Wayne
16. Andy Smeathers Basketball Butler University
17. John Degenhardt Basketball University of St. Francis
18. Nikky Moan Basketball Elmhurst College
School Year 2009-10
1. Shelby Miller Softball Cedarville University
2. Jamie Claeys Tennis Bellarmine University
3. Chelsea Kirkpatrick Volleyball DePaul University
4. Adria Pryor Volleyball University of Toledo
5. Kayla Heldman Volleyball University of Southern Indiana
6. Sarah Dooms Volleyball Valparaiso University
7. Arielle Knafel Volleyball Norfolk State University
8. Justin Spicer Tennis Southern Illinois University (Edwardsville)
9. Kirsten Gliesmann Basketball Wright State University
10. Joel Cox Football West Point Academy
11. Garrett Mack Football Ball State University
12. Blake Miller Football Southern Illinois University
13. Sean Egenolf Football Marian University
14. Katie Wyman Tennis IUPU-Fort Wayne
15. Kyle Barth Football St. Joe’s College
16. Sarah Patterson Soccer Marian University
17. Morgan Merrill Volleyball Marian University
18. Caleb Fellers Tennis University of Indianapolis
19. Jordan Legan Wrestling University of Indianapolis
20. Matt Milton Wrestling University of Indianapolis
School Year 2008-09
1. Sydney Miller Softball IUPUI
2. Katy Watson Track & Field/Volleyball University of Indianapolis
3. Emily Gwaltney Softball Marian College
4. Hannah Bedan Volleyball St. Joseph’s College
5. Bethany Irwin Volleyball University of Toledo
6. Katherine Belsito Softball University of Southern Indiana
7. Austin Sansone Tennis Ball State University
8. Shelby Music Softball Illinois State University
9. Sarah Franklin Softball St. Joseph’s College
10. Emily Claeys Volleyball St. Joseph’s College
11. Brittany Shaner Basketball St. Mary of the Woods
12. Kelli Lippold Track St. Joseph’s College
13. Shelbi Burnett Cross Country Butler University
14. Jordan Luallen Football Georgia Tech University
15. Tanner Riley Football Indiana State University
16. Keith Dietel Football Indiana State University
17. Austin Pendygraft Football Marian College
18. Derek Dallas Football Marian College
19. Kyle Jones Football Marian College
20. Kevin Jones Football Marian College
21. Ethan Hedeen Football Marian College
22. Luke Swift Football Miami University (Ohio)
23. Chris Pearson Baseball University of Evansville
24. Ross Kirch Soccer University of Indianapolis
25. Keenan Johnson Soccer University of Southern Indiana
26. Mike Wood Football Illinois State University
27. Sarah Higgens Cross Country University of New Mexico
28. Anthony Elias Football University of Indianapolis
29. Brady Clark Baseball Indiana University – Southeast
30. Shelby Mappes Wrestling University of Indianapolis
School Year 2007-08
1. Lacey Hersman Soccer Marian College
2. Michelle McKeehan Swimming University of Georgia
3. Becca Porter Tennis Bellarmine University
4. Matt Smith Tennis University of Indianapolis
5. Jackie Smith Soccer Marian College
6. Megan Hock Soccer IUPUI
7. Shae Morris Soccer University of Indianapolis
8. Justin Wood Football Indiana State University
9. Lauren Nacke Softball University of Dayton
10. Corey Gray Basketball Loyola University (New Orleans)
School Year 2006-07
1. Hillary Bowling Basketball Northern Michigan University
2. Kyle Busard Volleyball Lindenwood College
3. Lyndee Collins Soccer Indiana University
4. Katie Daprile Volleyball Butler University
5. Alex Dewitz Track & Field Miami Of Ohio University
6. Seth Galloway Track & Field University of Indianapolis
7. Sara Heldman Volleyball University of New Hampshire
8. Evan Hock Baseball Kankakee Community College
9. Tessa Irwin Volleyball Indiana University of Pennsylvania
10. Tyler Kitchel Basketball University of Indianapolis
11. Vanessa McCormick Track & Field Grace College
12. Ian McGarvey Football Ball State University
13. Hannah Messick Soccer Arizona State University
14. Mandy Nichols Volleyball Purdue University
15. Zach Petersime Baseball Rend Lake College
16. Haley Pratt Volleyball Lynn University
17. Holly Reed Swimming IUPUI
18. Megan Rehmer Volleyball North Carolina State University
19. Ross Springman Football Taylor University
20. Kyle Thompson Track & Field University of Indianapolis
21. Melody White Swimming California Polytechnic State University
School Year 2005-06
1. Kevin Beltz Golf University of Indianapolis
2. Caryn Britton Track Grace College
3. J.D. Buckingham Football Ball State University
4. Kelsey Coffey Volleyball Savannah College of Art & Design
5. Erika Dobbs Track & Basketball Marian College
6. Jon Franz Baseball Kaskaskia College
7. Jenny Gray Volleyball Belmont University (Nashville)
8. Ashley Henricks Volleyball University of Southern Indiana
9. Emily Holsapple Tennis IUPUI
10. Ty Jessup Football & Track Marian College
11. Molly Lauck Basketball St. Joseph College
12. Kaiti Marsh Tennis Taylor University
13. Andrew Menner Cross-Country University of Southern Indiana
14. Brandon Money Baseball Indiana University
15. Chris Oleksiak Swimming Indiana University
16. Blake Powers Tennis IUPUI
17. Meagan Richeson Track Murray State University
18. Melanie Sullivan Tennis University of Indianapolis
19. Tien Tran Diving Iowa State University
20. Nick Troiani Soccer Bellarmine
21. Whitney Warner Softball Valparaiso University
22. Jeremy Willey Baseball Rend Lake College
Hale and Stoner Recieve Mr. Football Position Award!
For the 12th consecutive year, the Indiana High School Football Coaches select and recognize the top high school seniors at 10 different positions from around the state. These are the “best of the best” for the Fall of 2010. It is an outstanding honor to have one student-athlete selected for this award. It is absolutely phenomenal to have two from the same high school. This year Center Grove and two of our student-athletes were part of this elite group:
Best Wide Receiver: Shane Henderson Columbus East
Best Tight End: Jake Reed Columbus North
Best Offensive Lineman: Michael Curtis Mishawaka
Best Quarterback: Tre Roberson Lawrence Central
Best Running Back: Remound Wright Fort Wayne Dwenger
Best Kicker: Sam Ficken Valparaiso
Best Defensive Lineman: Joel Hale Center Grove
Best Linebacker: Nick Temple Warren Central
Best Defensive Back: Nick Stoner Center Grove
Best Punter: Kyle Christy Brownsburg
Congratulations to Joel and to Nick!
Best Wide Receiver: Shane Henderson Columbus East
Best Tight End: Jake Reed Columbus North
Best Offensive Lineman: Michael Curtis Mishawaka
Best Quarterback: Tre Roberson Lawrence Central
Best Running Back: Remound Wright Fort Wayne Dwenger
Best Kicker: Sam Ficken Valparaiso
Best Defensive Lineman: Joel Hale Center Grove
Best Linebacker: Nick Temple Warren Central
Best Defensive Back: Nick Stoner Center Grove
Best Punter: Kyle Christy Brownsburg
Congratulations to Joel and to Nick!
Joel Hale Dominates in OSU Winter Workouts
OSU Winter Conditioning
NotesBy Brandon Castel
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The sun had yet to rise and most of Columbus was still tucked safely in bed, but the football Buckeyes were already in full workout mode. That’s because Monday marked the first day of 6 a.m. winter workouts at the Woody Hayes Athletic Center, and Eric Lichter was going to make sure his guys got in a good sweat.
“We’re looking for toughness, we’re looking for finishing. It’s tough, you’re going through physical exertion beyond what’s normal,” said Lichter, Ohio State’s director of football performance. “We just want to see guys compete in every single drill and not quit and give their best effort and really challenge the hour.” It challenged some guys to the point of puking, but that’s the cost of being Big Ten champions year after year.
Here is an inside look at Ohio State’s first 6 a.m. workout.
When it comes to the look test, no one on the entire roster was more impressive than running back Rod Smith. At first glance, the guy looked like a super hero in his workout shirt. Think of Superman, and that was Rod Smith, a redshirt freshman out of Fort Wayne, Ind. He is ripped, but not bulky. He looks to be in incredible shape and moved extremely well.
Joel Hale-Man of the Hour
Smith might have looked the most impressive, but the best performance of the day belonged to true freshman Joel Hale. The kid should be a senior in high school right now and absolutely dominated both John Simon and Nate Williams in the "band war" drill, which Lichter called his favorite drill. For those not familiar with the drill, two guys enter a circle and they are banded together with a teather. One guy has to drag the other guy out of the circle using brute strength. Hale worked Simon twice, went and puked in the trash can then rallied to beat Nate Williams. It was impressive.
Hale talked about possibly staying at defensive end, but there is no way he isn't going to be a tackle. He looks like a tackle right now and hasn't been in OSU's strength program for more than a couple months. It doesn’t matter all that much in Ohio State’s ever-evolving defense, but that’s what it will look like on paper.
I must admit, I was surprised with how good of shape the new freshmen are in already. It’s amazing how advanced some of these high school programs must be Lichter said.
Joel Hale has college size, pro potential and an NFL dream
CB MVP and Fastest Man - Junior Nick Stoner: Speed catches attention of many college coaches
Center Grove cornerback commits to IU
Center Grove's Andrew Smeathers accepts a scholarship offer from the Butler men's team

Center Grove's Andrew Smeathers accepted a scholarship offer from the Butler men's team.
The 6-6 Smeathers looked to be a low-level NCAA Division-I prospect during his junior season at Center Grove, but earned a spot on the Indiana Boys Junior All-Stars squad and followed that up with strong performances on the summer basketball travel circuit.
The 6-6 Smeathers looked to be a low-level NCAA Division-I prospect during his junior season at Center Grove, but earned a spot on the Indiana Boys Junior All-Stars squad and followed that up with strong performances on the summer basketball travel circuit.
"Every college coach I talked to knew I could shoot," said Smeathers, who also seriously considered an offer from William & Mary. "They wanted me to do the little things. My whole focus these first two weeks in July was just to rebound and hustle on every play I could. That's what I did and my rebounding was off the charts."
Congratulations again to Austin Mudd!
Center Grove point guard Marlin will play for Fife at IPFW

"Coach Fife has a lot of enthusiasm, and I thought, 'Why wait?' " said Marlin, a point guard . "They have a good young coaching staff that wants to win and seem to have a lot of fun doing it."
Marlin averaged 15 points, 6.5 assists, 3.1 steals and four rebounds as a junior for Center Grove (17-4). He also had offers from Bucknell, Hartford, Morehead State and Tennessee-Martin.
Marlin said he had an "awesome" unofficial visit to IPFW in late June.
"I like where the program is headed," he said. "I've heard a lot of great things about how tough coach Fife was as a player and I know he will make me better."
"I like where the program is headed," he said. "I've heard a lot of great things about how tough coach Fife was as a player and I know he will make me better."
Nick Stoner Featured in Sports Illustrated

Nick Stoner
Greenwood, Ind. > Football
Nick, a senior cornerback at Center Grove High, scored on a 96-yard kickoff return and a 25-yard fumble recovery to lead the Trojans to a 34-24 win against Lawrence North. He also had an interception and two solo tackles. Last year Nick led the league in picks (seven); he also took second in the 100 meters at the state track championships (10.82 seconds). Read more:
Preparing Student-Athletes for College

I was a swimmer at Center Grove High School and throughout that time Coach Mills worked with our swim coach, Jim Todd, to coordinate a weight program that would build strength that would transfer to the pool. My freshman and sophomore year the program was primarily machine based with bench and squat on free weights.
My junior year the coaches made the decision to switch to Olympic lifts- cleans, RDL, snatch. The power lifting helped in many ways. 1.The free weights were a change which my body needed after doing the same routine for two years. 2.The explosiveness in the motions of Olympic lifts were beneficial in the pool- off the blocks and the walls. 3.The strength I gained with power lifting was more effective in the pool than the strength I had built with the machine weights.
My senior year Coach Mills started incorporating kettle bells into the Olympic lifting circuit. Kettle bells were a great addition to the strength program. Not only do kettle bells provide the same explosive strength training, if done in a circuit, kettle bells can also be used as an aerobic exercise circuit as well.
Coach Mills was an exceptional weight lifting coach. He stressed perfect technique during all lifts to prevent injuries. He took time to work with each individual student to make sure they were performing to their full potential. His weight program prepared me, like many other students I have talked to, for my college weight program. I swim for a top division one school and the weight coach at the school was impressed by the knowledge I had in the weight room and the form I had during lifting. Doing the Olympic lifts and kettle bells with Coach Mills helped prepare me for college. I was very thankful that I had such an involved weight coach with our swim program in high school. Whenever I come back to CGHS to work out, Coach Mills is always curious about what I am doing in the weight room in college. He is constantly looking for new and better lifts to improve his weight program for the student-athletes at the high school.
Michelle McKeehan – University of Georgia Swimming;
Pan American Champion;
4 Time State Champion

Coach Mills started working with me when I was in 8th grade, at that time I was about 6'1 and 155 pounds. Today 5 years later I am 6'3 217 pounds. I came in benching 135 pounds and cleaning 120 pounds. By the time I graduated high school I benched over 300 pounds and cleaned 250 pounds. On top of that my speed had increased drastically. When I came in here I ran a 5.1 forty and by the time I left Center Grove I was running in the low 4.5's. I am now on full scholarship at Georgia Tech playing football and I can testify that coach Mills runs the best high school training program in America. Coach Mills could no doubt be at the highest level of his profession if he wanted to. What he does here at Center Grove is not only prepare all of his athletes for the next level but help every single individual that steps foot in his weight room become a better person. He truly takes an interest in what his athletes do and that is something that is rare. I could have never been a state champion, high school national player of the year, all American, all state, or been a state caliber track competitor if it wasn’t for the help of coach Mills and his program. Without coach Mills guidance I would not be where I am today.
Jordan Luallen – Georgia Tech University Football
All-State QB of the 2008 State Championship Team
Master Motivator

I'm attending Valparaiso University on a full scholarship to play volleyball. Anyone who plays a sport at that level knows that it requires an immense amount of hard work and dedication. I developed into the athlete I am today by doing just that through the training of Marty Mills. He's been my strength and conditioning coach all four years of high school and the change from me as a scrawny kid with a lot of potential to the explosive athlete I am today is incredible. I learned the proper technique and the right mentality to have during a workout that yields the best results. The intense training I've received throughout my time with Marty Mills has contributed greatly to my ability to play volleyball at the collegiate level. I credit the strength and knowledge I now have to his guidance and expertise.
Sarah Dooms – Valparaiso University Volleyball;
2009 IHSAA Mental Attitude Award Winner;
Starter on the 2009 Final Four Team

Coach Mills is the best weight lifting coach in the country. I moved to Center Grove before my 10th grade year. I weighed 220 lbs, benched 225 lbs, cleaned 250 lbs, and had never done a snatch in my life. Now as a senior I bench 405 lbs, clean 340 lbs, snatch 260 lbs, and weigh 275 lbs. This year in football I was named Mr. Football at the d-line position for the state of Indiana and am attending Ball State University in the fall on a football scholarship. Coach Mills not only teaches you how to lift he tells you what the lift accomplishes and why you should do that lift. He also teaches you good eating habits and how to take care of your body. Coach Mills' school of strength is the best high school strength and conditioning program in the country.
Joel Cox – Ball State University Football;
Starting Def. Lineman on the 2008 State Championship Team & 2009 Final Four Team; 2009 Indiana Defensive Lineman of the Year;
2 time Indiana State USA Weightlifting Champion;
(Joel is pictured here working out with 405 lbs. on the bench)
Ahead of the Game

I have been training with Coach Mills for four years. I play volleyball and will be attending the University of Toledo next year to continue playing. Because of my training I will be able to go into college and be ahead of the game. I consider myself extremely lucky to have been able to participate in his program.
Adria Pryor – University of Toledo Volleyball
Starting setter on the 2009 Final Four Team
Strength and Technique

I can honestly say that Coach Mills is the best weight lifting coach I have ever had. I am currently playing division 1 football at Miami Ohio and I am much farther ahead of the people on the team. Coach Mills teaches great technique which now helps me at the next level. I think that he could easily be a strength coach at big time programs.
Luke Swift – Miami of Ohio Football;
2008 IHSAA Mental Attidude Award Winner;
All-State Football & All-State Track
Overwhelming Passion

To describe Marty Mills as a dedicated individual would be a completely false representation of his character. I say this because it would be severely understating his passion for educating and training his students. Coach Mills has the ability to work with anyone and allow them to go above and beyond any goal they dream to achieve. For instance, I stand at 5'2", weighing in at about 100 pounds and lift next to our 6', 250 pound football players. Coach Mills creates a lifting environment that has athletes excelling in every area of their game, no matter what their age, size, or gender. All four years of high school I have trained under the coaching of Marty Mills and each year I continue to excel in both Varsity Softball and Varsity Basketball. In 2009, Center Grove Softball won the 5A state championship and owes a large portion of that accomplishment to the work Coach Mills put into training each of us. In the future, I plan to attend IU and obtain my education degree in hopes of becoming a teacher and lifting coach. I will continue giving credit to Coach Mills for pushing me to be the best and also inspiring me to pursue a career in athletic training in the future.
Amber Elsey – Center Grove Female Athlete of the Year
Staring Shortstop on the 2009 State Championship Team
Inspiration and Dedication

Marty Mills took me under his wing my freshman year in 2006. He told me he would work with me till the girl’s basketball team had a State Championship under their belts. That year we made it to the Semi-finals. Which, I have to agree, was a whole lot farther than anyone thought we were going to go. But Marty Mills, he believed in us and he knows how strong our hearts, even though we didn't at the time. His dedication to the girl’s basketball team and to our strength and condition brought us through Sectionals, Regionals, and saw us almost prevail in the Semi-finals. I owe so much to this man for teaching me the correct technique and improving my strength, my speed, my agility, as well as my heart. I have never met a man more dedicated to inspiring young adults to achieve their dreams. Looking back at these last four years, I have concluded that without Marty Mills pushing me to push myself I would not be attending Wright State University on a full ride scholarship to continue my basketball career. Thanks to this man, I can walk into the weight room at WSU and know what my new strength and conditioning coach is talking about, as well as be on top of my game on the court. Past college, I plan on playing basketball overseas. I have never thought it possible, but because of Marty Mills dedication, I have found so much heart for my sport, and I never want to stop pushing myself to success.
Kirsten Gliesmann – Wright State University Basketball
Four Year Starter & Started on the Final Four Team
Extreme Passion
I had the privilege of working with Coach Mills through an undergraduate internship at Center Grove High School. I can't begin to explain the influence he has had on my mentality towards strength training. Marty has a "no nonsense" approach to training and has convinced every one of his athletes to believe in this system. It was remarkable to see the commitment and intensity from every student, regardless of sport. The athletes know they will be uncomfortable during the session ahead, but each one them approaches every workout with great focus and determination. The accomplishments of the athletic program obviously speak for themselves. Coach Mills will never allow Center Grove to be defeated because of their strength and conditioning, but instead it will always be a key to their success.
Cody Johnson – Franklin College, IN USA
Cody Johnson – Franklin College, IN USA
Coach Mills's strength training program and Kettle Bell programs have developed our athletes and teams into some of the states elite. As a football and wrestling coach the Kettle Bell program has allowed our athletes to use big explosive movements to develop strength, power, and endurance at the same time. Our wrestlers are able to maintain and even gain strength during the season as they cut weight, while other wrestlers often loose strength and power as they cut weight. Mills's program has been such a large part in the success of our football team in the state of Indiana. Our football players are some of the strongest and fastest kids in the state. Coach Mills gets results out of anyone willing to put the time and effort in into it.
Tyler Small - Indianpolis, IN Football & Wrestling Coach
Tyler Small - Indianpolis, IN Football & Wrestling Coach
How to get strong

Passion, Intelligence, Safety
There are literally no words that are worthy of explaining how unbelievable and vital Marty Mills is to a program! He is outstanding. His moral character shines brighter than any coach I've had the pleasure of playing for. When in Coach's presence, you can feel his passion; you can see it in his eyes.
Coach Mills has played a vital role in my high school and collegiate careers. His intensity and passion in the weight room is what drove me to play and work as hard as I did. He helped the Center Grove Softball Team strengthen to get ready for the season. At the time that we all were taking Coach Mills' course, we won a state championship. And, of course, Coach Mills was at the top of our list of people to thank.
There was always something productive taking place in the weight room. We were constantly moving at the speed and ability Coach Mills wanted us at. If not, he let us know. His coaching style is second to none and has taught me that working hard is the key to success. He does not put up with slacking off, he will push you farther than you think you can go. Even when you protest what he is telling you to do, or how much he is telling you to lift, he is ALWAYS right. He knows what you are capable of and will never put you in danger of injury. In fact, he preaches safety.
I was a Center Grove High School 2009 graduate and now attend Marian University. I play softball and start as a pitcher and clean-up hitter. I have worked with our college trainer and he is not even in Coach Mills' league! When we are working on what my college coach tells us to, I remember things and phrases that Mills taught me. My college team was amazed when I not only knew what a Power Clean was, but that I could do it better than any of them. This is all thanks to Marty Mills who, from day 1, taught the fundamentals of the Power Clean.
Not only does he know how to strength coach, he also knows what is healthy and what is going to improve your body overall. He practices what he preaches. If you get to school early enough, you will see him in there working out to the same exercise he taught you yesterday.
Lifting is Coach Mills' life. He loves, is passionate about, and probably wouldn't know what to do without it.
I know I feel lucky to know and have worked with Coach Marty Mills and anyone who gets to should feel privileged.
Emily Gwaltney – Marian University Softball
Pitcher on the 2009 State Championship Softball team
Impact of the School of Strength

The School of Strength has impacted, not only myself, but the entire Center Grove High School Athletic Program. By working as a whole team, and ignoring which sport we participate in, each day together we strive to improve our speed, flexibility, and strength. Coach Marty Mills is an outstanding coach. For me as a wrestler he tells me which lifts I should do to improve my strength on the mat. Coach Mills has really pushed his focus on the Kettle Bells for our workouts. He has taught our school that they improve just about everything in your body. Improving an entire schools strength just shows that Coach Mills really cares for us to become great.
Matt Milton – Campbellsville University Wrestling
2 time All-State Wrestler
Top in the Nation

Entering freshman year I had never heard of kettlebells, the snatch, or the clean and jerk. As I'm about to graduate I'm going to Louisiana State University-Shreveport on partial scholarship because of the olympic lifts the School of Strength taught me. Coach Mills School of Strength taught me how to train properly, eat right, recover, rest, good technique, leadership, character, and overall how to be a great person. I entered high school weighing 135 lbs. Benching 160, squatting 225, and cleaning 165. I now weigh 175 lbs, clean and jerk 300 lbs, squat 405, snatch 205 and bench 290 lbs. I've talked to multiple athletes from other schools and they do not put in half the work that we do here, and do not come close to the numbers we put up in our lifts as a program. Our conditioning is top of the line and it shows in our competitions, meets, games, and matches, as we have recently won the 5A football state championship, tennis state championship, 2 weightlifting state championships, boys volleyball state championship and softball state championship. The school of strength hands down is the best program in the nation.
Jimmy Boshears – LSU Shreveport Olympic Weightlifting Center;
Leading Rusher on the 2009 Final Four Football Team & Catcher in Baseball;
2 time State USA Weightlifting Champion;
First CG Athlete to Compete in USA Olympic Weightlifting at the Collegiate Level
CG Weightlifting

The Center Grove strength and conditioning program is an essential part of any extracurricular agenda. I began freshman year by just taking the regular gym class and lifting after school. Coach Mills does an amazing job of implicating strength lifts and conditioning lifts into his workout program. The lifts are suitable for almost any age group. I started out, as a freshman, weighing about 135 and now I weigh about 185. Coach Mills varies his workouts depending on what sport you are in, so everything you do in the weight room is designed for improvement in your chosen activity.
Not only does the strength program at CG benefit a student in a sport, but I also saw an improvement in the classroom and my GPA. I was an honor student at CG and the specialized lifting class was a time when I could get away from the books for a while and get in a good workout. Workouts increase strength but I am a firm believer that they also relieve much of the stress that comes along with high school and the pressures of doing well academically.
Coach Mills' program helped me become an all-state athlete in football and also gave me the opportunity to play at the next level. I am attending Washington University in St. Louis this upcoming fall. I chose it because of its great prestige and it also has one of the top medical schools in the country. I probably would not be in the situation I am right now if it wasn't for all of the training and lifting sessions that I went through with Coach Mill's. He is an excellent coach/person and will do everything he can to physically and mentally prepare you for the sport or activity of your choice. I highly recommend the CG lifting program and believe only good can come out of one's involvement.
Scott O'Brien – Center Grove Male Athlete of the Year
Starting Defensive Back on the 2008 State Championship Football Team and on the 2009 Final Four Team as well as a starter in Baseball
Division I Caliber Preparation

At my time at Center Grove, I was prepared physically for the demands of football. My speed, strength, and flexibility were all pushed to my personal potential by Coach Mills and his program. I can definitely say that I was physically at my high school potential while I was an athlete at CG. I was blessed enough to be able to walk on at Northwestern and play football in the Big Ten. I can honestly say that my knowledge and preparation from working with Coach Mills put me ahead of the curve as I entered an intense athletic world. I give Coach Mills and his program my highest recommendation and am a testament that he can develop Division I athletes
James Nussbaum – Northwestern University Football; Center Grove Male Athlete of the year & All-State in Football
The perfect program

Going to Center Grove is the absolute perfect situation for athletes wanting to challenge themselves everyday and work harder than their competition. CG Student Athletes are Extremely lucky in having a weight training program guided by Marty Mills. In high school I was a part of the 2008 5A State Championship Football team and was all-state wrestling. This success allowed me to move onto the collegiate level at Uindy for wrestling. It was midway through my freshman year when it finally clicked and I realized just how much better of an understanding I had of strength training because of Coach mills. At Uindy we do not even have a strength coach let alone one of Coach Mills’s caliber. Any athlete who shows consistency of hard work and simply showing up in the Center strength program will improve everyday as an athlete and will constantly have a leg up on competition.
Shelby Mappes – University of Indianapolis Wrestling;
All-State wrestler in 2009 as well as being a starting Defensive Lineman on the 2008 State Championship football team.
Shelby Mappes – University of Indianapolis Wrestling;
All-State wrestler in 2009 as well as being a starting Defensive Lineman on the 2008 State Championship football team.
Coach Mills Strength Program

I had the opportunity to work with Coach Mills for four years in high school and a couple after. Playing three sports I was sometimes limited with opportunities to get in the weight room but when I was in it he made sure you were working your tail off. I was a tall skinny kid and his program helped fill in the blanks. The conference we play in puts a high demand on your physical stature. You must be tough and dedicated to succeed at this school and his program is where it should all start. I thought I was done playing sports after high school and with the help of Mills I was back playing college football with a two year absence. If you buy in you will see results.
Mitch Deffner – Franklin College Football;
2 Time All-State Hurlder
How to get strong

Hi, my name is Garrett Mack and I am a senior at center grove high school right now and plan on attending Ball State next year to play Division 1 football. Coach Mills and his weight program molded me into the athlete that I have become today. He has developed me so that I could compete at the highest level in any sport I played. I came into my freshman year weighing 170 and at that weight I would have never been able to play at a high level and survive. But through years of training with Coach Mills I have been able to gain pounds of muscle. In the spring of my senior year I now weigh 225 pounds and I feel like I’m in the best shape of my life. Coach Mills has prepared me to not only play at a Division 1 college but be able to compete for a starting spot the first year I get there. This weight program is years ahead of most if not all other schools. I appreciate all the time and effort he gives to this program and to me.
Garrett Mack – Ball State University Football
Started on the 2008 State Championship Team and the 2009 Final Four Team
Blake Miller

Coach Mills is one of the best coaches I know. He knows how to train freshman all the way to seniors, and from athletes to beginners. I started my freshman year at 190 lbs, benched l35, and cleaned 135. I am a senior now at 235 lbs, I can bench 315 lbs, and clean 317 lbs. With my work in the weight room and the help with Coach Mills I received a scholarship to Southern Illinois University. Coach Mills has the best weight and conditioning program in the country, and it has made me the player I am today.
Blake Miller – Southern Illinois University Football
Starting Defensive Lineman on the 2008 State Championship team and on the 2009 Final Four team
The man that saved my life

Coming into the high school as a freshman, I was not a very frightening human. I was about 5'4 255 pounds of fat. I couldn't bench press 135 pounds or even squat 225 pounds. I was the fat kid in the hallway that people shoved into the wall. I also had very low self confidence. After being in coach mill's school of strength for 4 years, I have changed quite a bit. I now bench 320 pounds and I squat 410 pounds. I am now more confident than ever and people move out of the way from me in the hallway I have earned almost a full ride to Marian University to play football. I have accomplished most things positive in my life from being in the school of strength.
Sean Egenolf – Marian University Football
Starting Offensive Lineman on the 2009 Final Four Team
Best Weight Lifting Program in the Country

Coach Mills and his weight lifting program has been a HUGE reason for the success i have had in sports. When i started this program as a freshman, I was a skinny 170 pound kid. Now as a senior, I am a strong 210 pound College football player. Coach Mill's program is the reason Center Grove is able to dominate and compete with the more athletic teams in the MIC Conference. Without Coach Mill's program, I would not be going to Saint Joseph's College on a football scholarship. I highly reccomend this program for all football players who desire to be successful as a Center Grove Trojan in the Future!
Kyle Barth – St. Josephs College Football
Starting QB on the 2009 Final Four Football Team & Starter on the 2010 MIC Championship Basketball Team
Strength Program

Coach Mills has been been my weight trainer since I started lifting weights in the eighth grade. He had a strong emphasis on cleaning when I started the weightlifting program, and it only grew from there. Graduating in 2009, I only had the opportunity to be a part of the kettle bell program for two years. However, I saw great increases in my maxes through this program. I also had the opportunity to go to two weightlifting competitions and won both years. I completely credit Coach Mills with my weightlifting successes and the program he has provided to the athletes at Center Grove High School.
Tanner Riley – Indiana State University Football
All-State in Football as well as Track and a starting running back on the 2008 State Championship team.
The key to Center Grove's 2008 State Championship

My class of 2009 started our weightlifting program with Coach Moore and Mills in 3rd grade. Coach Mills was our secret weapon as he consistently coached us and designed our workouts to be the fastest, strongest, and meanest football players we could be. As I entered my freshmen year I was bench pressing about 185lbs, squatting 225lbs, and cleaning 185 lbs. Just two years into Coach Mills intense program I was bench pressing 365lbs, squatting 445lbs, and power cleaning 315. Coach Mills mixed up upper and lower body workouts along with speed and power lifting. All of this was in combination with weighted abs and pushups daily. Coach Mills developed us physically more than any other coach and was essential to our state championship.
Trey Thompson – Indiana University Football
All-State Starting Offensive Lineman on the 2008 State Championship Football Team.
Strong as an OX

My name is Chelsea Kirkpatrick and I am going to play volleyball at DePaul University, a division 1 college, in Chicago. You ask, "How did this girl get to college with a full ride scholarship?" I will respond with a simple answer. The answer is Marty Mills and his weightlifting program at Center Grove. I came to CG as a scrawny freshman that could barely hit the ball over the net. I went to weightlifting class, gained muscle, and now I'm competing for a spot on the volleyball team as a freshman! I would not be going to DePaul without the help of Marty Mills.
Chelsea Kirkpatrick – Depaul University Volleyball
Starter on the 2009 State Final Four Volleyball Team
Strength Knowledge

Coach Mills training style is different than any other coach I know. When entering into the weight room freshman year, I had no idea what to expect. In the middle school weight room, we usually stood around and maybe did a pull-up or two every five minutes. But within the first minute of being in Coach Mills weight room, I knew that he was serious about his job. He truly wants every single athlete to better themselves athletically as well as physically so that they can perform to the best of their ability. The kettlebells not only strengthen athletes but also teach their muscles to become quick and explosive. This has especially helped me in my sport of track and field. I have shaved almost a second off of my 100m hurdle time since sophomore year, which I attribute 100 percent to weightlifting. Not only do you need muscle to run fast, but you need explosive muscle. Because of my success in high school, I am attending the University of Indianapolis to run track and field. The strength knowledge that I have obtained during my four years here will continue to benefit me not only in college but for the rest of my life.
Jillian Reisinger – University of Indianapolis Track
Jillian (pictured doing a great high bridge on the Turkish Get-up) is a great track athlete as well as basketball player. One of the strongest girls in CG history, she was known to bench over her body weight on numerous occasions.
The Man
I had the wonderful opportunity of working with Coach Mills at Center Grove High School. There are so many positive things to say about Mills and the effort and passion he puts into the lifting program at Center Grove High School. While in school, I played soccer and will say I definitely wasn't the best, but that didn't matter to Mills. He saw the potential with me in lifting and began to push me. My last 2 years of high school we had class every other day where we would spend hours doing many kettle bell exercises and olympic lifts. Mills helped me improve my strength which then in turn help improve my soccer game. After high school, I decided to join the rowing team at Butler University and still continued to see my lifting from the past years aiding in my success in this new sport. In rowing, many believe that all the power comes from your arms, but in fact a large deal is from your legs. All those kettle bell swings and squats helped give me a leg explosion necessary for a perfect stroke in rowing! Mills is one of the best coaches/teachers I have ever had. His dedication and passion for what he does is absolutely incredible. I honestly believe he runs the best strength program in the country and if you ever get the chance to work out with him, do it! You will be sore the next day, but he will help you push your muscles and body like never before!
Jill Morris - Butler University Rowing
Jill Morris - Butler University Rowing
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