Coach Mills training style is different than any other coach I know. When entering into the weight room freshman year, I had no idea what to expect. In the middle school weight room, we usually stood around and maybe did a pull-up or two every five minutes. But within the first minute of being in Coach Mills weight room, I knew that he was serious about his job. He truly wants every single athlete to better themselves athletically as well as physically so that they can perform to the best of their ability. The kettlebells not only strengthen athletes but also teach their muscles to become quick and explosive. This has especially helped me in my sport of track and field. I have shaved almost a second off of my 100m hurdle time since sophomore year, which I attribute 100 percent to weightlifting. Not only do you need muscle to run fast, but you need explosive muscle. Because of my success in high school, I am attending the University of Indianapolis to run track and field. The strength knowledge that I have obtained during my four years here will continue to benefit me not only in college but for the rest of my life.
Jillian Reisinger – University of Indianapolis Track
Jillian (pictured doing a great high bridge on the Turkish Get-up) is a great track athlete as well as basketball player. One of the strongest girls in CG history, she was known to bench over her body weight on numerous occasions.