I played football for Center Grove from 2006-2008. Coach Mills played a huge part in physically preparing our team for our State Championship victory in 2008 by creating enough freaks on our team that we could physically dominate every team we played. This excludes the Ben Davis games where we were severely undersized on the offensive line but were able to blow them out in each game by running the ball! Coach Mills also led our lifting team to three very successful weightlifting meets in high school where we had a giant edge over the competition and were able to obtain victories. He not only taught us how to lift correctly or give ourselves proper nutrition, but instilled such a dedicated and disciplined mindset in each of us that our intensity and courage could lead to the accomplishment of anything. My weightlifting numbers, size, and character would fall far short of their present level had I never met Marty Mills.
Brooks Bemis – Franklin College Football
Starting lineman on the 2008 State Championship football team. Brooks is pictured here bench pressing over 400 lbs.