Entering high school I never realized the work ethic required to achieve success in the sport I played. As an 8th grader, I was a good athlete and had a lot of things handed to me. The first day I walked into a Coach Mills weight lifting class I left in total awe. Coach Mills always made me work to my maximum effort every day. He proved to me that even if I was not feeling well or simply did not want to lift, there was a way to reach my full lifting potential each day. Coach Mills showed me and my teammates the proper work ethic in lifting and because of this, it had a direct transition to the work ethic on the basketball court. I am currently going to play collegiate basketball and the coaches constantly tell me how my strength is unbelievable for an incoming freshman. This is only because of the work Coach Mills has done with me. I would look like a twig if I did not work in Coach Mills weightlifting program. Coach has provided me with an ample opportunity to play and succeed early in my collegiate career. The work ethic he has taught me has shown me that dreams can be achieved. With my work ethic in the weight room and on the basketball court I have achieved a lifelong dream all dedicated to Coach Mills.
James Barton – Franklin College Basketball
Starter on the 2010 MIC Champion Basketball Team